Babe Ruth Baseball Association of Calgary AGM Notice


Monday June 3, 2024 from 6:15 - 7:15 PM at the Hotel Blackfoot (Blackfoot Inn) in the Ball Room

5940 Blackfoot Trail SE, Calgary AB T2H 2B5




AGM Agenda to include

  • Board Reports
  • Technical Director Reports
  • Proposed Bylaw Amendments
  • Election of Board

Members will vote in-person at the meeting. The board has made a motion to approve proxy votes for the upcoming AGM as well. This means a family with two voting members can have one vote on behalf of the other family member (for a total of two votes); however, one of the two members must be present at the AGM. Details on the in-person voting process and the proxy vote will be emailed out closer to the AGM. An Eventbrite link will also be sent out so we know how many will be attending in person. Non-members (such as players or additional parents/guardians) can attend in-person, though they will not receive a voting card.

It is widely known that BRC has a phenomenal Technical Team for performance development - it's the volunteers behind the scenes, as Directors and League Coordinators, who make it possible for our players to be on the field.

We expect the following board and coordinator roles to be required for planning and running the league next year and we encourage you to consider fulfilling a key role (or roles) on the team


The Board – Elected Roles

To strengthen the sustainability of the league and board, the amended bylaws to be proposed and voted on at the AGM allow us to elect the same number of people as the current bylaws (up to 12), with the main variance from the current structure of 6 board members to be the structure below. This model allows for more volunteers to share the workload, greater succession planning opportunities, less burn-out, and the ability to leverage each director's skills, strengths and interests. The President and Treasurer cannot hold additional positions; however, Directors can hold multiple Director positions (e.g. one person can run for Player Agent, Coach Advocate and Officiating, if so desired).




Director, Operations

Director, Registrar

Director, Player Agent & Coach Advocate

Director, Officiating (either the UIC or someone representing the UIC and Umpires)

Director, Fundraising

Director, Marketing, Communications and Public Relations

Director, Travel and Premier Teams

Director, Special Events

Director, Safety & Wellness

The Board Coordinators – Non-Elected Roles Appointed by the Board

Do you have a skill or interest that you'd like to dedicate to BRC and don't necessarily want to be on the Board? We need you too! We are also recruiting League Coordinators (LC) to help us achieve the strategic priorities of the league and board, while engaging outstanding volunteers. LCs work with the board as well as the teams, members, and vendors, depending on their role. LCs may only need to attend meetings that relate to their responsibilities. Board Directors and LCs fulfil their volunteer commitment through their roles, and are not expected to do volunteer shifts at games (though they are welcome to, if they like!).

The President and Treasurer cannot hold additional positions however Directors can hold League Coordinator positions (e.g. one person can be Safety & Wellness Director and work on Guest Speakers Series, if desired and able).

Please let the nomination committee know if you are interested in any of the following roles and responsibilities, or in continuing your role if you are already supporting the league as coordinator:

  • Field Management (any or all fields; collab with Operations Director)
  • Pointstreak Lead
  • Statistics
  • TA Lead (collab with Board and TDs)
  • Screening and Background Check (collab with Safety & Wellness Director)
  • Casino, 50/50, Raffle (collab with Fundraising Director)
  • Merchandise & Uniforms (collab with Operations Director and Registration Director)
  • Opening Day (collab with Member Engagement)
  • Special Events Logistics: Awards, AGM (collab with board)
  • Special Baseball Events (eg Regionals when applicable; collab with Tech Directors)
  • Travel Logistics (collab with Travel & Premier Teams Director)
  • Tournament Commitments (external ones; collab with Travel & Premier Teams Director)
  • Alumni Relations (collab with coaches and Tech Directors)
  • Post Secondary Liaison/College Recruitment (collab with Tech Directors)
  • Guest Speaker Series - Performance, Health, Wellness (collab with Tech Directors & Safety & Wellness Director)
  • Community Engagement & Citizenship
  • Additional Roles, as the demands grow, may be added

The Nomination Committee 

The nomination committee has been established to help assure all members that we will have a fair, transparent election within constricts of the bylaws, our charitable objects, and under the guide of The Societies Act. They also serve as recruitment team for the board – any questions members have of the roles and process can be directed to them via BRC Secretary, Wendy Polley,

The nomination committee is appointed by the board and is, in turn, an extension of board activity. The nomination committee for the upcoming AGM consists of:

  • Wendy Polley, NC Chair

  • Brent Beebe
  • Jeff Burke
  • Sally Mansour

If you wish to run for a board position, please email BRC Secretary, Wendy Polley, and your name will be shared with the Nomination Committee.

Members can nominate themselves or others (provided the other member accepts the nomination)

Nominations are due in writing (email) by Monday May 20, 2024.

The Nomination Committee will reach out to all returning and new nominees for a phone conversation before names are brought to the board for approval to include in the final list of nominees.  This finalized list will be shared with members in advance of the AGM.

Who is a voting member?

  • the parent or legal guardian of a registered player (up to 2 parents per player family)

  • BRC Board Director or League Director
  • BRC Board-appointed Volunteer
  • Coach or Manager

 Board of Directors, Babe Ruth Calgary