Online Police Check Instructions

Babe Ruth Calgary Police Check Instructions

  1. Coaches must have a valid police screening check prior to commencing coaching with Babe Ruth players.
  2. To commence your police check screening process please email and provide your contact information and request the initiation of the screening process.
  3. If you are a City of Calgary resident you will receive an email from the City of Calgary Police Service (CPS) Information Check system. If you are a resident from another location our coordinator will attempt to assist you, and connect you with the appropriate jurisdiction to complete an appropriate screening.
  4. Follow the steps included in the email until you have completed and received a clearance letter from the CPS. This will come through a secure link.
  5. Create a PDF copy of your letter and email it to, you may also be able to share the report through a link.
  6. Our coordinator will confirm receipt of your clearance letter by return email. You are not cleared to coach until this confirmation is received.